
About the Project

Purpose: This project will investigate the challenges and experiences of academics in Europe who balance parenthood with their careers. It aims to understand how parenthood impacts career trajectories and how existing policies and support systems either help or hinder parents in academia.

Description: The project centers on a survey titled "Parenting While Publishing in Europe: How Parenthood Policies and Support Networks Shape Career Paths in Academia." The survey will gather data from academics across Europe regarding the interplay between parenthood and professional development. The study will analyze the influence of factors such as institutional policies, childcare availability, and personal support networks on the experiences of academic parents.

If you are interested in participating in this survey, please contact Lisette Espín-Noboa (espin@csh.ac.at).

  • This survey targets postdocs, faculty (tenured, tenure-track, or un-tenured), and former academics in these roles who have left academia.
  • All participants must have a current or past affiliation with a European academic or scientific institution.
  • This online, invitation-only survey targets all SCOPUS corresponding authors from 2010-2023.
  • There are no right or wrong answers to the survey questions, and most questions are optional.
  • Participation is completely voluntary, and can opt-out at any time by "unsubscribing" from the mailing list or request via email.
  • The data collected from the survey will be used for research purposes only.
  • The survey is anonymous and personal information will not be shared.
  • We collect and store data (i.e., survey responses) only after the participant's consent (see our Terms and Conditions).
  • The list of corresponding authors will be deleted after the completion of this study.

This is a Digital Humanism 2020 project funded by the WWTF and the FFG 873927.